Satisfait19 avis
  • ≤2h
    Temps de réponse moyen
  • 88.6%
    Taux de livraison dans les délais
  • -
    {0} commandes
Personnalisation minimale
Personnalisation à partir de modèles
Identification de la traçabilité des matières premières
Inspecteurs d'assurance/contrôle qualité (6)
Voir toutes les capacités vérifiées ({capacitiesNum})
Avis sur l’entreprise (19)
4.6 /5
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
Attention, prospective buyers: We caution against engaging with this supplier due to their lack of commitment to customer satisfaction regarding product quality, color accuracy, and other pertinent aspects. Despite offering assurances of product warranties and the provision of free replacement packages in the event of issues with the initial shipment, they fail to honor these promises. Upon encountering such instances, they adamantly refuse both refunds and secondary shipments meeting the correct requirements. Utilizing Alibaba's trade assurance for dispute resolution proves futile, as it disproportionately favors suppliers, rendering the process ineffective and time-consuming. Therefore, we strongly advise against engaging with this seller. Instead, seek out reputable suppliers who prioritize professionalism and actively assist customers in resolving issues.
    Voir tous les avis
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